During play, things can get intense. Some rolls are all but impossible, death can be all too close, defeat imminent! At times like these, the extremes of the game are your only chance, so know them well.
Characters often get themselves into terrible situations of danger and limited time. When this happens, rolls can become prohibitively difficult. This is a time to negotiate with the GM, seeking environmental or strategic elements that can soften the diffi culty. Don’t be shy! “The wall isn’t climbable? Can I lean one of these desks against it for a boost?”
Critical Success and Failure
Extreme successes and failures are called critical or ‘crits.’
A d20
roll of 1 scores a critical success, and a 20 a critical failure.
Each of these rolls will create a maximal version of success or failure. Critical successes overcome impossible odds, grant extra time, or defy belief. Critical failures cost precious equipment, accelerate destructive environments, or lend advantages to foes. “It’s a crit! Not only do you leap the creek, your pursuer falls in!”
Hero Coins
Acts of heroism or astounding play are rewarded by the GM with a hero coin. A hero coin (not to be confused with hero points!) can be redeemed to
- Reroll any roll entirely.
- Maximize the damage or output of an attack or effect.
- Coins can be freely given between players.
- A player may only have 1 coin at a time.
“We need this attack to be huge… we’re out of options! Here, take my coin.”
In an effort to overcome or outwit the odds, players may find themselves ‘meta-gaming,’ that is, using their overall knowledge of game mechanics to exploit details or loopholes.
This has two forms, one good, one bad. The good kind of meta-game means players use deep knowledge of items and mechanics to maximize their chances. The bad kind (often called ‘cheesing’) employs hard-to-believe or flimsy methods to make things easy or gimp the game. Leaping from a rock to earn a deadly attack? Great. Padding your hero with ham sandwiches to absorb attrition? Not very cool. “My fighter has 10 skills, all at value 3. My inventory is mainly free biscuits. I also carry a bag of backup biscuits.” “Dude.”