This equipment can never be used by those who choose the skull.
d12 | ITEM | NOTE | COST |
1 | Plumed Helmet | +3 Defense, enrages enemies | 3 pts |
2 | Silver Shield | +6 Defense, repel lycanthrope attacks w/no roll | 3 pts |
3 | Sun Amulet | This chain necklace holds 1 burst of sunlight | 3 pts |
4 | Silver Darts | 12 thrown spikes of purest silver, d10 damage | 3 pts |
5 | Roc Feather | Destroy to fly for 1d6 rounds | 3 pts |
6 | Prophet’s Hood | Renew 1 spent spell daily | 3 pts |
7 | Beads of Lurian | If facing fear or panic, gain +5 Magic skill | 3 pts |
8 | Great Bear Pelt | Ignore penalties from cold or snow | 3 pts |
9 | Giant Sword | A 3d12 blade with +2 DEF | 3 pts |
10 | Song of Ullur | Roll Magic to heal all allies 1 attrition | 3 pts |
11 | Arconyx Ring | Store 3d12 per rest, use on any future roll | 3 pts |
12 | King’s Plate | Lesser undead cannot touch this plate armor | 3 pts |