Sustaining damage from hazards and attacks is part of any RPG. You’ll be hit by arrows, knock your head, sustain sword cuts, or drop items when exhausted. Attrition is a term for the reduction of your character’s resources when hit by hazards and attacks. Here’s how it works…


Cross ‘Em Off

When you’re hurt, you’ll be losing use of your skills and gear! Crossed-off equipment and skills cannot be used until restored or repaired. Role play it! Attrition impairs your senses, physical wellness, or equipment beyond use. In some cases, items may be lost permanently, but skills are never permanently lost. A few simple rules govern attrition.

Attrition Types

Enemies and hazards will hit you in one of 5 ways:

  • Basic Attrition: Cross off any 1 equipment or skill
  • Flesh Attrition: Randomly select a skill and cross it off
  • Equipment Attrition: Randomly select 1 equipment and cross it off
  • Destroy Attrition: Destroy 1 random equipment AND cross off 1 randomly selected skill.
    Destroyed equipment is permanently lost
  • Brutal Attrition: Cross 1d6 total random equipment and skills