If you’re playing a magic-user in CROWN and SKULL, you have a wealth of possibilities ahead. You can choose from basic spells, let your GM offer available spells to buy with points as you progress, or create your custom spells for the unmatched fun of bespoke magical effects. Whether you use premade spells, build them custom, or discover them as equipment in the form of wands, staves, rings or scrolls, all spells follow a few core rules in CROWN and SKULL.
Critical Concepts for All Spells
Casts and Expend: Spells are cast on command. By default, spells include 1 cast. Once a spell has no casts remaining, it is expended and must be studied again in rest and safety to cast again. Add casts with customization
Magic Skill: The Magic skill is rolled to contain Infernal and Unstable spells, or utilize the Wizard Savant ability. It is also used as a defensive measure against enemy spells and effects in some cases.
Somatics: By default, all spells require audible words and gestures with both hands to cast. This must be remembered when casting under duress, when using equipment, or when speech is suppressed or disrupted.
Duration: The default duration of a spell’s effect is
phases. If an effect is to conclude on the caster’s action phase, it dissipates at the end of that phase. Upgrade effect duration with customization. -
Effect: The default effect output of a spell is
. This could be damage, for example. This amount can be upgraded with customization. -
Range: All spells require touch as the default range to cast. This can be upgraded to ranged or area with customization.
Targets: In their default state, all spells affect a single target. A spell can be upgraded to affect multiple targets or areas with customization.
See Custom Spells to improve spells outputs