
1BackpackCarry 2 additional items6 pts
2Torches3 count, snap-light, burns for 1 scene1 pts
3Climbing GearIgnore penalties on Climbing rolls1 pts
4Mining KitExploring or excavation times cut in half1 pts
5Cold Weather FurIgnore penalties from normal cold or snow1 pts
6Diving Gear2 dive helms, spearguns, fins, marker buoy1 pts
7LockpicksCannot pick locks without these tools1 pts
8Sack of BearingsA pouch of 3 dozen metal balls1 pts
9Flint & SteelCamp with comfort and cozy fire1 pts
10Scribe’s KitParchment book, charcoal sticks1 pts
11Craftsman’s ToolsHammer, spanner, and bits for simple work1 pts
12Bandage Kit3 count, heal 1 crossed off skill3 pts
13Oil Flask3 count, flammable liquid, glass phial1 pts
14Rope125cm length, breaks on crit fail usage1 pts
15Iron Chain40cm length, all but unbreakable1 pts
16Snare Kit3 count, catch small animals1 pts
17Bear Trap1 count, Muscle to escape2 pts
18Caltrops3 uses, spiked floor-scatter, inflicts d41 pts
19Powder Kit1 Firearm never empty, ruined if wet3 pts
20Blessed Water3 uses, anathema to pure evil or the undead3 pts

Large Items

1HorseTransports 2 people at 4x walking speed5 pts
2CartHolds Crates and barrels fi lled with goods10 pts
3WagonTransports like a cart, at horse speed20 pts
4War WagonAn armored wagon for siege25 pts
5Small BoatHolds 4 people, barely seaworthy, sneaky15 pts
6Mast ShipCrew of 3 required, 2 masts, huge hold35 pts
7HouseA cozy place to live, deed for life50 pts
8Fort or GarrisonA wooden Defense position with pole-fences75 pts
9CastleA series of keeps and towers, stone200 pts
10FortressA massive, impregnable castle on a clif300 pts