1 | Backpack | Carry 2 additional items | 6 pts |
2 | Torches | 3 count, snap-light, burns for 1 scene | 1 pts |
3 | Climbing Gear | Ignore penalties on Climbing rolls | 1 pts |
4 | Mining Kit | Exploring or excavation times cut in half | 1 pts |
5 | Cold Weather Fur | Ignore penalties from normal cold or snow | 1 pts |
6 | Diving Gear | 2 dive helms, spearguns, fins, marker buoy | 1 pts |
7 | Lockpicks | Cannot pick locks without these tools | 1 pts |
8 | Sack of Bearings | A pouch of 3 dozen metal balls | 1 pts |
9 | Flint & Steel | Camp with comfort and cozy fire | 1 pts |
10 | Scribe’s Kit | Parchment book, charcoal sticks | 1 pts |
11 | Craftsman’s Tools | Hammer, spanner, and bits for simple work | 1 pts |
12 | Bandage Kit | 3 count, heal 1 crossed off skill | 3 pts |
13 | Oil Flask | 3 count, flammable liquid, glass phial | 1 pts |
14 | Rope | 125cm length, breaks on crit fail usage | 1 pts |
15 | Iron Chain | 40cm length, all but unbreakable | 1 pts |
16 | Snare Kit | 3 count, catch small animals | 1 pts |
17 | Bear Trap | 1 count, Muscle to escape | 2 pts |
18 | Caltrops | 3 uses, spiked floor-scatter, inflicts d4 | 1 pts |
19 | Powder Kit | 1 Firearm never empty, ruined if wet | 3 pts |
20 | Blessed Water | 3 uses, anathema to pure evil or the undead | 3 pts |