Creating and modifying spells is an art in itself, and may take some practice. Much like the wizards of old, you’ll be scheming how limitations and effects can counterbalance one another, or how a simple upgrade could make a Basic Spell all it needs to be. Settle in to the ancient library, and ponder the mysteries of Custom Spells…

The simplest way to begin your wizard’s journey is to customize Basic Spells. Once you have some hero points to spend, consider these options:

  • Spend 3 points for each new effect to be added
  • Add limitations, reducing spell cost by 3 for each, 1 pt minimum cost
  • You must be in a safe place to customize spells
  • No single effect can be stacked more than 3 times total

When Basic Spells will no longer fulfill the desired level of magical craft, you are ready to create spells from scratch. This assumes you have a solid working knowledge of spell-casting in general, with specific outcomes in mind. Here’s all you need to know:

  • Give the new spell an evocative name that implies its function
  • Select one effect as focal or use a Basic Spell as a starting point. Stack on effects as desired, tracking cost as you go. Each effect raises the spell cost by 3. No single effect can be stacked more than 3 times total
  • Add limitations to the spell to get its cost down as needed. Each limitation reduces spell cost by 3. Cost can never be less than 1 point
  • You must be in a safe place for 1 day or more to create new spells
  • Check in with your GM to get the final approval on your new spell

Wizards have many ways of studying their craft. As an introduction to spell creation, consider visualizing a well-known spell from your role-playing past…

Blasts of fire, for example, are a staple for all adventurer-mages. Use the spell creation rules to create such a well-known spell, getting a feel for effect and limitation combinations. Don’t see what you have in mind? Work with your GM to add effects or limitations as needed.

Spell Effects Group I

(3 pts Cost)

  1. Accuracy: Boost an upcoming damage roll.
  2. Adapt: Select a specific substance you can now breathe easily.
  3. Additional Cast: Add a cast to this spell.
  4. Analyze: Cast and roll effect. If this effect is greater than the approximate point value of the target spell or item, gain all information about it.
  5. Animate: Use objects as puppets, 1d6 of them per cast.
  6. Area: Modify a single-target spell to affect an arm’s-width radius.
  7. Banish: Cast out a summoned creature or construct.
  8. Blast: Inflict magic damage of specified theme, element, or style.
  9. Clairvoyance: Affect unseen target(s) with rolled effect × 3m distance.
  10. Cloak: Reduce the chance of being spotted by others. This effect can have many variations including camouflage, stillness, deception….
  11. Clone: Duplicate an object or person into a semi-real copy.
  12. Create: Create an object imbued with a spell you know. At its base level, this spell creates an object with 1 use of the selected spell.

Spell Effects Group II

(3 pts Cost)

  1. Arcane Armor: Roll the output effect and add it to target Defense.
  2. Detect Object: Detect a specific object.
  3. Duration: Upgrade from 1d6 phases default to 1 full round duration.
  4. Dispel: To cancel a spell, roll this output. Surpass the point value of the target spell to cancel it. Sacrifice your next phase to dispel immediately.
  5. Dice Upgrade: Increase the dice used by this spell by one grade.
  6. Dominate: Target rolls a d20. Surpass that roll with effect to dominate.
  7. Drain: Reduce a target’s DEF or ATK for 1 round.
  8. Enchant: Imbue a weapon or object with a single gear effect.
  9. Evade: Boost the Evade skill of a target.
  10. Haste: Run or swim (choose on purchase) twice as fast as others.
  11. Mend: Repair 1 weapon, item, or piece of armor.
  12. Illusions: Place illusions into a mind directly, or fabricate them for all.

Spell Effects Group III

(3 pts Cost)

  1. Language: Listen, speak, or translate any language or cypher.
  2. Lasting (15 pts): Make a spell’s output permanent, with GM approval.
  3. Levitate: Hover or move a few feet above the ground.
  4. Locate: Locate a person without seeing them. If being located by an enemy, roll your Magic skill to evade detection.
  5. Metal: Manipulate metal in numerous ways.
  6. Mind Defense: Ignore Dominate, Illusions, Obscure, or Telepathy being cast upon you.
  7. Obscure: Hide objects. Use effect as penalty to detect rolls.
  8. Perception: Add effect to a Scout or Investigate roll.
  9. Poison: Conjure arcane goo or oil that inflicts poison on living things.
  10. Powerful: Boost a spell with a die upgrade, additional die, or similar.
  11. Psychokinesis: Use the Muscle skill at distance of effect × 3m.
  12. Held Spell: Use a turn to ‘pre-cast’ spell, triggering it any time after.

Spell Effects Group IV

(3 pts Cost)

  1. Ranged: Cast up to long range and visible targets (most of a scene).
  2. Restore: Heal 1 skill attrition.
  3. Shapechange: Change into a specified animal form.
  4. Shield: Create a damage-absorbent magical barrier the size of a shield. It is impervious for 1 round and cannot be moved.
  5. Silent Spell: Cast this spell with no magical words spoken.
  6. Still: Cast this spell with no gestures.
  7. Summon: Conjure 1d6 1 attrition ‘minion’ creatures or constructs.
  8. Telepathy: Read minds by overcoming foe’s d20 roll with effect.
  9. Transmute: Change a mass into a different material of equal or lesser value. Change effect × 5kg of mass.
  10. Transport: Move a person from here to there instantly. Distance equal to effect × 3m.
  11. Vapor: Contain a spell’s effect in a lingering vapor cloud. The cloud is subject to air movement as a conventional gas.
  12. Ward: Prevent passage of a specified creature or person through a portal or passage.

Spell Limitation List

(Gain 3 pts for each)

  1. Campfire magic: Can only be cast in a safe place.
  2. Cannot be customized: This spell is minimalistic, only available in its first-learned form, never to be changed.
  3. Cannot be targeted: Spell always flies wild. Use dice for direction, or randomly select from available targets.
  4. Exhausting: No magic can be used for 1 round after cast.
  5. Costs 1 attrition to cast: Sustain 1 attrition with each cast.
  6. Costs material to cast: When cast, mark off 1 item in your inventory as destroyed… a powerful reagent like a crystal or crushed bone.
  7. Druidic: Cannot be cast if the caster wears or is touching any metal.
  8. Ineffable: This magic is primal, and can’t be recorded for others to use on scrolls, weapons, rings, or wands of any sort.
  9. Linked to physical object: The spell manifests with or through an object. If that object is destroyed or stolen, the spell is lost.
  10. Madness: Each time this spell is cast, roll your Magic skill. On failure, take the Crazy flaw until your next rest.
  11. Must be sustained: This spell ends if the caster is hit or takes any other action while the spell is active.
  12. Nullified by: Has no effect on a specific type of target or target property.
  13. Only works on specific target type: Can be anything. Be as specific as possible.
  14. Only works outdoors: Elemental forces are required to cast.
  15. Painful: After this spell is cast, the user can only make a move on their next turn… i.e.; no actions. “Gods! My limbs are all but numb!”.
  16. Red Speech: *This spell can only be cast with booming, shouted words. This limitation prohibits the use of Silent Spell.
  17. Ritual: This spell can only be cast with 1d4 uninterrupted rounds of successful Magic skill rolls.
  18. Takes 2 phases to cast: Effect takes place at the end of the caster’s second phase spent casting. If hit in that time, the count starts over. If rolling to cast, the roll must be made twice consecutively.
  19. Unstable: A wobbly, barely-contained magic. When cast, roll Magic to maintain control. If failing, roll on the Unstable Magic table.
  20. Uses infernal powers: Calls on brimstone and demons. When cast, roll Magic to maintain control. If failing, roll on the Infernal Magic table.