Phases are a unique aspect of CROWN and SKULL. They divide time into bite-size pieces, and give player turns order, timing, and detail as each scene unfolds. Enemies also uses phases to act.
The 5 Phases
Think of phases as cool moments in an action scene. A collection of these moments is called a round. Which phase a hero takes action is a meaningful choice for timing and strategy. There are no ‘held actions’ here (as in many RPGs), and your phase is locked for the encounter once chosen, so choose with intent!
Choosing a Phase
Generally, players will agree on which phase is best, especially after a few battles inform their decision.
- What phase a character chooses can be changed, but not mid-combat.
- Players can also choose the same phase.
Track your choice on your character sheet here.:
On Your Phase
When your phase comes up, it’s your turn to act. You have three options, listed below:
- Move: Move elsewhere in the scene, about
15 cm
table space. A small ‘sidestep’ move is allowed without using one’s phase. - Perform an Action: Make an attack, use a skill, cast a spell or perform one discreet action. This takes your entire phase.
- Hurry: If you need to move AND do something in one turn, your haste opens up your Defenses with clumsy haste. All enemies in the scene gain +5 ATK against you for 1 round. Hurry can only be used for a move+action combo, not dual action or dual move.
Enemy Phases
Foes will act in 1-3 phases per round! A monster attacking in phases 1, 3, and 5, for example, will keep an entire team of heroes occupied! Any time enemies and heroes share a phase, heroes go first.
The GM Call
During play, the GM will keep things cruising along by ‘calling’ for actions during a phase. “Ok, it’s now phase 3, who’s up? Lucy, that’s you! The wolves are coming in fast, what will you do?”