Choose a LINEAGE when creating a character. Lineage does not include mechanical aspects, as each population is vast and diverse.


Humankind are a versatile folk…

The story of human folk and their kin in The North Holds is a ragged line of ambition, ascension, and ruin. Again and again have their kings and golden ages fallen to calamity. This is largely attributed to their unusual desire to unite The Holds under one banner, as the Earl did so many years ago.

Ironically, in present times human folk are less unified than ever. Their royal lines and heritage are largely lost. For some, this is just politics and daydreaming, but for others it is a call to find and lift a true king or queen, and reclaim the great vision of the past. How this can be done, which bloodline has the purest claim, and all the intrigue that goes with such questions, is argued in every lord’s hall.


Elven folk have a knack for the magical…

Elves in The North Holds have long endeavored to stay out of wars and witchcraft, instead choosing to cultivate powerful allies with nature and primal forces. As the sole keepers of Dragon Tooth, they wield this power with care and patience… most of the time. Exactly what to do with the delicate friendship of dragonkin is a matter of perpetual debate among elven scholars and wizards.

Within the elven people, there is yet disunity despite the high-fl ying banners and pageantry of King’s Field. Some claim that King Ithamel of Forestheart is a deceiver… a demon. Others impugn the law of Thryn as appeasement to lesser houses, demanding the elves deal elemental justice to all The Holds.

As self-proclaimed keepers of these weighty matters, elves curate the greatest libraries and scriptoriums in the realm… a tool they will surely need in the days to come.


Stout Folk are usually built like tanks…

Ah, the beard-sporting, ale-quaffi ng, hammer-wielding folk of Runnminir and Ullur! Stout folk, also called dwarves by the ill-mannered, can all trace their family lines to one of these two ancestral homes, endlessly arguing theirs as the best. Stout folk have a hearty sense of moral duty. They carry an inheritance of mighty deeds from their ancestors, allying with all the folk of The Holds to preserve the best things in life.

The only weak point in the stout folk code of honor is the sinister shadow of greed. Players creating stout folk characters should remain ever-mindful of dwarven greed and its effects.


Proudfoots are feastwise inventors…

These diminutive folk are a happy and peaceful lot, mostly hailing from the deserts near Hakburg. They are master horsemen and frontiersfolk… sturdy, optimistic, and resourceful. Above all they prize a good meal.

By the ingenuity of Proudfoot artisans, the frightening wonder of gunpowder has come to The Holds in recent years… not simply in pot-bombs or mining charges, but fl intlock muskets with die-cast bullets. With great care and caution they guard this deadly new technology.


Frog-kin are honor-bound, trapped in a violent empire…

Lord Croakokame is the cruel emperor of all frog-folk, willing to burn the world to see it under his rule. A strict code of honor keeps his legions in line, but a very few among them throw down their vows and leave the murderous empire for greener lands. For this, they are hunted

Players selecting frog-kin should keep a sharp eye for assassins, will be considered traitors, and are largely misunderstood by most folk. On the other hand, froggish warriors are disciplined, skilled absolutists who are not to be trifl ed with. A weighty lineage indeed.