Things that make you unique, but also prove challenging in time… flaws! Each flaw earns 5 points, maximum 4 flaws over a character’s lifetime.
Character Flaws List
- Addict: You have a specific vice you cannot deny. If you can’t get your fix, the GM will ask for a roll vs. attrition in some form.
- Ascetic: You frown on possessions. Never exceed 5 equipment.
- Ancient: You are old! Muscle, Jump, Climber, Breakfall, and Stealth skills may not exceed 9, but you earn respect for your advanced age.
- Bad Reputation: You’ve done things… terrible things, and people know about it. You’ve done harm, broken oaths, or let someone down.
- Crazy: When faced with a difficult choice, choose randomly.
- Disorganized: Where’d you put that? When seeking anything but your most-used items and armor, roll 9 or less on a
to find it. - Drunkard: Your drinking wavers between revelry and tomfoolery. Beer and wine drain your pockets and frustrate your friends.
- Employed: You are paid or oathsworn to a lord or employer. Disobey at your own peril!
- Greedy: Tempted by treasure, roll 6 or less on a
to resist the urge. - Grudge: You have been wronged, and hold it against an individual or group, unjustly. When you encounter them, you behave terribly.
- Impetuous: You are impatient, leaping into situations without planning or reservation. Only take action in phase 1 or 2.
- Injured: This common flaw should be taken a few times in a character’s lifetime. An Injury brings a -1 maximum skill inventory.
- Just a kid: Hey, I’m just a kid! Never exceed 6 skills.
- Paranoid: What’s that? You hear that? You invent your own boogie men, and sew doubt among others. NPCs will be hesitant to trust you.
- Phobia: Fear of a common thing. In its presence, no roll can succeed.
- Pursued: You have a nemesis out there… somewhere… hunting you.
- Sickly: You were born frail. Survival and Resist skills cannot exceed 9.
- Stubborn: If you make up your mind, only a
contest with another player or NPC will sway you. - Timid: You’d rather let others lead. Only take action in phase 4 or 5.
- Unlucky: No matter how many rabbit’s feet you carry, you have a penchant for comical mishaps and crit fail on a 16+.