Select a Core Ability to gain a mechanical specialization.

  • A character can only have one.
  • Core abilities cost 15 hero points.

Core Ability List

  1. Battlemaster: You have been trained as a soldier who knows how to hit hard. When you roll maximum damage, roll again. There is no limit to the number of times the dice can β€˜explode.’
  2. Brutal Fighter: You are fast, efficient, and adept at taking on multiple opponents in close quarters. All of your melee attacks may hit 2 foes with a single damage roll.
  3. Druid: Master of wilderness. Gain the tracking and hunting skills for free, each at 9. When outdoors, gain +3 on all skills.
  4. Empath: You have masterful intuition. Gain the investigate, streetwise and oratory skills at a value of 7 for free.
  5. Go Unnoticed: You blend into shadows with ease. When enemies are attacking you and your allies, they will target you last.
  6. Mountaineer: A master of finding ways through rock and cavern. Gain the climber and breakfall skills at 10. In mountains or underground, you also have a scout skill of 15.
  7. Paragon of Faith: Your faith skill grows by 2 with a successful cast, and maxes at 16. Additionally, destroy 1d6 weak undead (such as zombies, shamblers or skeletons) as an exhausting spell.
  8. Protector: When using a shield, change a failed Defense roll by an ally into a success once per round, if they are nearby.
  9. Spellsinger: You cast spells with flair and oratory. You can never use β€˜silent’ or β€˜still’ spells. As a default, though, your spells work on a target that can hear you cast. Upgrade from there as normal.
  10. Uncanny Shot: Roll an extra damage die with all ranged weapons, and ignore 1 DEF on all targets when using ranged weapons.
  11. Veteran Commander: When a combat encounter starts, choose 1 ally. Inspire them with a command to fight! Their first attack does maximum damage, and they cannot be harmed for the remainder of that round.
  12. Wizard Savant: You don’t just cast spells; you are a conduit of incredible power. When casting, effects and outputs of all magic you cast are maximized on a Magic skill roll of 6 or less on a d20.