To get a feel for running foes in CROWN and SKULL, take note of the differences between the Skeleton and Skeleton Elite below. Try some small skirmish combats, 2D4 Skeletons and 1 Elite, to get a feel for movement, hurry, Defense rolls, enemy stats, tactics, and the like.

The complete version of this book includes comprehensive resources for effective gamemastering, 40 enemies to work with, and much more. For now, here is the humble bag-o-bones…

SKELETON (magically animated human remains, often armed) HP: 10 ATK: 3 DEF: 3 PHASE: 3 TACTICS: 1

  • Tactic 1: Stumble about, seek a new target
  • Tactic 2~5: Skeletons use rotten weapons, such as iron spears or rusty scimitars from ages past. Basic attrition
  • Tactic 6: Cleave attack! The skeleton builds enough strength to swipe its weapon at up to 3 foes in one strike with basic attrition

Ah, the inevitable skeleton! Ubiquitous servants of lesser evils and necromancers, denizens of crypts and guardians of graveyards. To mix things up with this classic enemy, mix a Skeleton Elite in now and then…

SKELETON ELITE A heavily armored warrior from bygone days. This bag of bones was once a mighty captain, cavalry rider, or berserker. They walk at the fore of their unit and can even speak, usually threatening foes or chiding their incompetent troops. HP: 50 ATK: 5 DEF: 5 PHASE: 4 TACTICS: 3

  • Tactic 1: Stumble about, seek a new target
  • Tactic 2~5: Skeletons use rotten weapons, such as iron spears or rusty scimitars from ages past. Destroy attrition
  • Tactic 6: Cleave attack! The skeleton builds enough strength to swipe its weapon at up to 3 foes in one strike with destroy attrition